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Vol.35, No.1, 23 ~ 31, 1997
Research Paper - Mechanical Behavior : Effect of the Cabide Behavior on Creep Properties of HK - 40 Heat Resistant Steel
최병학B . H . Choe, 강수현S . H . Kang, 이재현J . H . Lee, 최재호J . H . Choi, 허보녕B . Y . Hur
HK-40 has been the predominant alloy for reformer or cracking tubes in petrochemical plants. The material degradation of HK-40 tubes in using high temperature is due to microstructural changes, especially about carbide behavior and crack formation. The structure of HK-40 is characterized by a skeletal eutectic carbide network and a huge amount of secondary carbides in an austenitic matrix. Carbides on grain boundary form continuous plate-like shape in the as-cast condition, and coalesce progressively to increase discontinuity of itself during creep. Cavities initiate at this grain boundary and cracking is caused by grain boundary sliding of carbides denuded area. The secondary carbides in matrix explicitly affect crack growth behavior and stress-rupture elongation. But the carbides precipitated in grain boundary at the first stage of heat treatment improve rupture time and strain by the grain boundary strengthening.
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