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Vol.35, No.3, 288 ~ 297, 1997
Research Paper - Transformations : Shape Recovery Stress of Thermo - mechanically Treated Ti - Ni - Cu Shape Memory Alloys
하광수Kwang Soo Ha, 허신구Shin Goo Hur, 조규봉Gyu Bong Cho, 남태현Tae Hyun Nam
Shape recovery stress of thermo-mechanically treated Ti-Ni and Ti-Ni-Cu shape memory alloys has been investigated by means of thermal cycling test under constant load and also and effect of thermo-mechanical treatment on transformation behaviour and transformation temperatures has been examined by means of electrical resistivity measurements, differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction. Transformation behaviour was not changed by thermo-mechanical treatments in Ti-Ni-Cu alloys, while it changed from B2(cubic)-B19`(monoclinic) to B2-R(rhombohedral)-B19` in the Ti-Ni alloy. Martensitic transformation start temperature increased silghtly by thermo-mechanical treatments in Ti-Ni-Cu alloys, while it decreased largely in the Ti-Ni alloy. Shape recovery stress of Ti-Ni-Cu alloys was larger than that of the Ti-Ni alloy. This was attributed to the fact that the maximum recoverable elongation of Ti-Ni-Cu alloys was larger than that of the Ti-Ni alloy. And also shape recovery stress depended of Cu-content. It increased from 290MPa to 400MPa with increasing Cu-content up to 5at%, and then decreased from 400MPa to 375MPa with increasing Cu-content from 5at% to 10at%.
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