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Vol.35, No.9, 1109 ~ 1116, 1997
Effect of Dispersoid Particles on the High-Temperature Ductility Loss in Al-Mg-Mn Alloy
김병일 , 길전동수 , 중도영치 , 길영불남 Byung Il Kim , Fuyuki Yoshida , Hideharu Nakashima , Hideo YOshinaga
The dependency of the ductility of Al-Mg-Mn alloy containing Al_6Mn particles on temperature and strain rate was examined by using standard tensile test. The ductility minimum was found to be at 773K for 2.7×10^(-3), 5.5×10^(-3) and 1.1×10^(-2) strain rates, and the reduction of area decreased with increasing temperature `irrespective of strain rates. The rate of ductility loss increased significantly at lower strain rate and at higher temperature. However, the maximum ductility drop occurred at the same temperature, 773K, for various strain rates. For 2.7×10^(-3) and 5.5×10^(-3) strain rates, ductility was determined uniquely by the parameter Z=ε˙ exp(Q/RT) at Z= ≥10^6s^(-1). Brittle fracture showing the ductility loss at higher temperature was associated with cavity growth as well as interlinkage of cavities, while a number of dimples were observed on the fracture surface at lower temperatures.
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