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Vol.38, No.1, 57 ~ 64, 2000
Pesearch Paper / Mechanical Behavior : Effects of High Temperature Deformation and Thermal Exposure on Precipitation Behavior of cast Alloy 718
오동규Dong Kyu Oh,주동원Dong Won Joo,조창용Chang Yong Jo,김두현Doo Hyun Kim,최승주Seung Joo Choe,이상래Sang Lae Lee
Precipitation behavior of cast alloy 718 during thermal exposure and creep-rupture test was investigated. Coarsening of γ` and γ$quot; was accelerated with raising exposure temperature, but transformation from γ$quot; to δ was dominant at and above 816℃. The applied stress assisted in transformation from γ$quot; to δeven below γ$quot; solvus. The transformation nucleated at the stacking fault in γ$quot; phase. δ phase usually existed in the interdendritic region or at grainboundary in the as-cast condition. Generally δ had plate or needle-like morphology in the as-cast or heat treated conditions, however, the stress induced δ dispalyed curved morphology across dendrite.
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