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Vol.38, No.6, 792 ~ 803, 2000
Pesearch Paper / Composite Materials : Characteristics of Squeeze Cast AM60 Mg Composites Reinforced with AISI 304 Wires ( Part 1 ) : Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
김재중Jae Joong Kim,유민수Min Soo Yoo,김낙준Nack J . Kim
The microstructure and mechanical properties of AISI 304 wires reinforced AM60 Mg composites have been investigated in the present study. No reaction layers or reaction products are observed at the Fe/Mg interface. However, there are the presence of MgO thin layer (irregular thickness) along the Fe/Mg interface and fine Fe particles in the matrix. It has been suggested that MgO layer forms by reaction with oxide present at the wire surface and O₂ diffused from air. It has been suggested that the Fe particles farm by diffusion during squeeze casting. It also has been shown that there is a diffusion of Mg into Fe. Microcracks are nucleated mainly along the reinforcement/matrix interface, and composites are fractured finally by fiber fracture or pull-out. The manufactured composites show the strong potential for further improvement in strength and ductility. High strength is because stress level is nearly in accordance with the rule of mixture (ROM), and good ductility is related to the development of multiple-necking and ductile wire.
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