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Vol.38, No.10, 1317 ~ 1322, 2000
Dependence of Impact Toughness on the Cooling Rates in 3Cr-1Mo-V Steel
김동진Dong Jin Kim,김병훈Byung Hoon Kim,김정태Jeong Tae Kim,강창윤Chang Yun Kang
The impact properties of high tensile strength 3Cr-1Mo-V steel were studied in relation to the cooling rate on continuous cooling after austenitization and the effective grain size. The effective grain size is defined as the parallel lath packet and/or the region which cleavage cracks propagate through in a nearly straight fashion. From the experiment it was found that fracture appearance transition temperature(FATT) of 3Cr-1Mo-V steel was linearly correlated with the inverse square root of the mean effective grain size, d^(-½). The mean effective grain size became finer as the cooling rate increased and the linear relation between d^(-½) and logarithm of the cooling rate was obtained. From the above results, dependence of FATT on the cooling rates could be expected by the following equation : FATT(℃) = -41.21·log υ + 16.58, where υ is cooling rate from 800 to 400℃ in ℃/min, 16.58 is constant which related with the mean effective grain size.
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