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Vol.39, No.1, 50 ~ 59, 2001
Evaluation of Luders Strain by Analyzing the Deformation Characteristics around the Residual Indentation in Structural Steels
최열Yeol Choi,안정훈Jeong Hoon Ahn,최종교Jong Kyo Choi,주웅용Wung Yong Choo,권동일Dong Il Kwon
The continuous indentation test was used to evaluate Lu¨ders strain of various steels such as ultra-fine grained steels and AISI 1020 steels. Inhomogeneous pile-up deformation in the indentation test could be related to Lu¨ders strain in tensile test. The pile-up deformation could be characterized as a localized flow phenomena. We analyzed the pile-up area as the parameter of Lu¨ders strain, and described the pile-up amount more quantitatively by considering the relation between plastic-zone size and pile-up radius. Finally, we derived the master curve for some steels, which included the ratio of elastic modulus to hardness as plastic-zone size. For various steels in this study, the values of Lu¨ders strain obtained from the master curve are consistent with those measured from the tensile test.
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