
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.39, No.5, 493 ~ 503, 2001
Transformations : Ultrasonic Evaluation of Spheroidization of Cementite in Medium Carbon Steel
김준수J . S . Kim,변재원Jai Won Byeon,권소인S . I . Kwun,박은수U . S . Park
An attempt was made to evaluate the change of microstructures and mechanical properties with increasing spheroidizing time in a cold heading steel, containing proeutectoid ferrite and pearlite, by the ultrasonic attenuation and velocity measurements. Ultrasonic velocity was not sensitive to the microstructural changes, resulting from spheroidization heat treatment to produce various mean aspect ratio, mean equivalent size and number of cementite particles per unit area and ferrite grain size. Ultrasonic attenuation was initially decreased and then increased with increasing spheroidizing time. A good correlation between ultrasonic attenuation coefficient and mechanical properties such as hardness and tensile strength was found.
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