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Vol.39, No.11, 1241 ~ 1249, 2001
Mechanical Behaviors : Effect of Nitrogen on Creep Properties of Type 316L ( N ) Stainless Steels
김대환Dae Whan Kim,이윤규Yoon Kyu Lee,김우곤Woo Gon Kim,유우석Woo Seog Ryu
The effects of nitrogen on the creep properties of type 316L(N) stainless steels with three different nitrogen contents from 0.04% to 0.15% were investigated. Creep tests were carried out using constant-load single lever machines at 550∼650℃ in the air. The time to rupture increased and the minimum creep rate decreased with the addition of nitrogen. At constant stress, the rupture elongation decreased with the addition of nitrogen. Intergranular and transgranular fracture mode were mixed in all specimens. Cavity and carbides were nucleated at grain boundary and the number of cavity and carbide at constant stress was increased with the addition of nitrogen because of the increase in the time to rupture and carbide precipitation due to the addition of nitrogen. The increase of rupture time with the addition of nitrogen for type 316L(N) stainless steel was attributed to the combined effect of the decrease of minimum creep rate due to the increase of tensile strength and the rupture elongation due to the precipitation at grain boundaries.
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