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Vol.40, No.5, 499 ~ 507, 2002
Surface Treatment / Properties of Hot - Pressed Fe Sintered Materials by Plasma Nitriding
손진열Jin Yeol Son,김수방Soo Bang Kim,김용모Yong Mo Kim,박윤우Yoon Woo Park
This study was to analyse the relationship between properties of ion nitrided Fe sintered material and parameters of plasma nitriding process. Pure Fe sintered materials (relative density : 92%) were fabricated by hotpressing and nitrided under pulsed DC plasma for 4 hours. The large number of parameters in plasma diffusion treatment allows close control of the process so that surface layers with defined microstructures and properties can be obtained. The number of micropores in nitriding layer can be reduced in pulsed DC plasma by reducing the plasma power and by varying the gas mixture. The phase constitution of compound layer of nitrided Fe sintered material were influenced by gas mixture (N_2: H_2) and pulsed ratio (pulse on/off time ratio).
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