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Vol.40, No.6, 615 ~ 621, 2002
Research Papers / Transformations : The B2-B19-B19` Transformation Behavior and Shape Memory Characteristics in Ti-(45-X)Ni-5Cu-X(Mo,Cr,Al) ( at.% ) Alloys
이희우H. W. Lee,최미선M. S. Choi,김재훈J. H. Kim,남태현T. H. Nam
Transformation behavior and shape memory characteristics in Ti-(45-X)Ni-5Cu-X(Mo, Cr, Al)(at.%) alloys were investigated by means of differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction and thermal cycling tests under a constant load. The substitution of Mo, Cr and Al for Ni in Ti-45Ni-5Cu alloy induced the B2→B19 martensitic transformation prior to the B2→B19` transformation, and consequently Ti-(45-X)Ni-5Cu-X(Mo, Cr, Al)(at.%) alloys transformed in two stages; the B2→B19→B19`. The B2→B19 and the B19→B19` transformations were completely separated in Ti-(45-X)Ni-5Cu-X(Mo, Cr) alloys, whereas they were not done in a Ti-44.3Ni-5Cu-0.7A1 alloy without applied stress. The substitution of Mo, Cr and Al in a Ti-45Ni-5Cu alloy decreased transformation hysteresis and the residual elongation. The maximum recoverable elongation of Ti-(45-X)Ni-5Cu-X(Mo, Cr, Al) alloys was about 5%.
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