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Vol.40, No.6, 628 ~ 633, 2002
Research Papers / Mechanical Behaviors : The Effect of Prior Austenite Grain Size on the Deviation of Mechanical Properties in a Medium Carbon Ferrite - Pearlite Steel
이덕락Duk Lak Lee
The effect of prior austenite grain size on mechanical properties in a medium carbon ferrite-pearlite steel was investigated to find the optimum condition to minimize the deviation of mechanical properties. It is shown that the variation of hardness of a medium carbon steel containing ferrite and pearlite with cooling rate becomes smaller as prior austenite grain size becomes finer. The hardness of specimen with fine prior austenite grain increases less sharply than that of specimen with coarse one for the change of same amount of pearlite volume fraction in as-rolled state. It is concluded that the deviation of mechanical properties of medium ferrite-pearlite carbon steels can be reduced effectively by making prior austenite grain size finer.
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