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Vol.40, No.10, 1042 ~ 1048, 2002
Research papers / Mechanical Behaviors : Analysis of Bending Residual Stress in SS400 Steel Beam Using Continuous Indentation Technique and Stress Interaction Model
장재일Jae Il Jang,권동일Dong Il Kwon,이윤희Yun Hee Lee,지원재Won Jae Ji,손동일Dong Il Soh
Apparent mechanical properties of welded structural components are deviated from the initially designed values due to the residual stress. Thus, exact assessment of the residual stress using a nondestructive method became an important issue in reliability researches. A nanoindentation model for evaluating the equi-biaxial thin film residual stress was proposed in the previous study. However, the surface residual stress in the welded joint is a non-equi-biaxial state and complex elastic/plastic deformations are involved in the macroindentation. Therefore, the previous model was modified to evaluate the real non-equi-biaxial residual stress by considering a new stress-proportional factor and a significant effect of the plasticity. The newly modified stress-analyzing model was verified empirically by comparing the evaluated uniaxial stress with the already known residual stress of 4-point bended specimen.
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