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Vol.40, No.11, 1127 ~ 1135, 2002
Effect of Counterpart Materials on Dry Sliding Wear Characteristics of Carbide-Particle-Reinforced 6061 Al Alloy Matrix Composites Fabricated by a Pressureless Infiltration Technique
박형철 Hyoung Chul Park , 강신철 Shin Chul Kang , 권훈 Hoon Kwon , 김용석 Yong Suk Kim
Dry sliding wear tests were carried out on SiC and TiC particle-reinforced 6061 Al alloy matrix composites using different counterpart materials (AISI 52100 bearing steel and alumina) under various loads (1∼12N) and constant sliding velocity (0.2m/sec) conditions. Wear characteristics of the composites against the two counterpart materials were investigated. At low loads (1∼3N), wear rate of composites worn against the steel was lower than that against the alumina. Formation of the MML(Mechanically Mixed Laver) was responsible for the lower wear rate against the steel counterpart. However, at intermediate loads (4∼8N), wear rate of the composites worn against the alumina was lower. Low thermal conductivity of the alumina, which accelerated formation of oxide layers and low adhesive force between the alumina and the matrix alloy were considered to result in the lower rate. At high loads (9∼12N), wear of the composites proceeded by severe deformation of the matrix alloy and subsurface cracking. Wear rates of the composites were similar against the two counterpart materials at the high load regime.
Key Words
Sliding wear, Counterpart material, Composite, SiC, TiC, 6061 Al alloy
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