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Vol.40, No.12, 1243 ~ 1249, 2002
Evaluation of Fracture Strength in Mn-Mo-Ni Low Alloy Steels by FE Analysis on Small Punch Test
이재봉 Jae Bong Lee , 김민철 Min Chul Kim , 오용준 Yong Jun Oh , 박재학 Jai Hak Park , 이봉상 Bong Sang Lee
The critical fracture stresses(σ^*_f (sp)) in various low alloy steels for reactor pressure vessel(RPV) have been evaluated by finite element analysis(FEA) of small punch test in the cleavage temperature region(-150 ∼ -196℃). In order to improve the accuracy of the FEA results on small punch tests, the uniaxial stress-strain properties beyond the necking were optimized by comparing the results of uniaxial tensile test and its finite element analysis. The loaddisplacement curves and distances from center to fracture surface(D_f) of FEA results are in good consistence with the experimental results. The σ^*_f(sp) from small punch test in various reactor pressure vessel(RPV) steels were found to have a linear relationship to the values from the precracked specimens(σ^*_f(PCVN)). This result indicates that small punch tests could be a useful method to evaluate the cleavage fracture behavior of the low alloy steels.
Key Words
Small punch test, Finite element analysis, Critical fracture stress, Pressure vessel steel, Low alloy steel
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