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Vol.41, No.1, 1 ~ 8, 2003
Phase Stability of L12-based alloys at 800C in Al-Ti-Cr System
오민욱 Min Wook Oh , 이재경 Jae Kyeong Lee , 오명훈 Myung Hoon Oh , 위당문 Dang Moon Wee
Relationship between the phase stability and the composition of L1_2-based Ti-Al-Cr alloys at 800℃ was investigated. It was found that the yield strength of Al-21Ti-23Cr and Al-21Ti-15Cr alloys with Ti-lean composition after exposure at 800℃showed a relatively small increase compared with that of alloys homogenized at 1150℃. However, yield strength of al-30Ti-15Cr alloy with Ti-rich composition after exposure at 800℃ increased very remarkably. The difference in strength increment after exposure at 800℃ was due to the partial decomposition of L1_2 phase in Al-21Ti-23Cr and Al-21Ti-15Cr alloys, and the complete decomposition of L1_2 phase in al-30Ti-15Cr alloy. Therefore, alloys with Ti-lean composition were expected more suitable for light heat resistant and oxidation resistant coating material with respect to stability of L1_2 phase. It was also revealed that the phase decomposition of L1_2 phase resulted from the shift of L1_2 phase region to Al-rich corner in Al-Ti-Cr phase diagram with decreasing temperature.
Key Words
L12 phase, (Al, Cr)3yTi alloys, Phase stability, Phase decomposition
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