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Vol.41, No.2, 104 ~ 110, 2002
Mechanical Behavior : Assessment of Elastic Modulus and Hardness for (100) Tungsten Single Crystal through Elastic Analysis of Nano-Indentation Curve and Pile-Up Prediction
이윤희 Yun Hee Lee , 권동일 Dong Il Kwon
Hardness and elastic modulus calculated from the Oliver and Pharr`s indentation curve analysis are overestimated for ductile metals comparing with the values measured from the direct observation of residual indentation impression. A dominant cause of the phenomenon is material pile-up around contact. However it is very difficult to consider the pile-up in analyzing the indentation curve without observing the residual indentation mark. Therefore, we propose an indirect analysis of the pile-up effect by estimating the elastic modulus independently based on the Hertzian contact theory. Pile-up corrected contact area is predicted from the conventional elastic recovery equation by inserting the pre-determined elastic modulus. The proposed analysis is applied to the nano-indentation tests on (100) tungsten single crystal and produced a reasonable hardness comparing with the direct observation result through an atomic force microscope.
Key Words
Nano-indentation, Hardness, Elastic modulus, Hertzian contact, File-up behavior
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