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Vol.41, No.3, 180 ~ 186, 2003
Electronic. Magnetic & Optical Material ; Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Properties of Amorphous Alloy-Ferrite-Epoxy Composites
임경묵 K. M. Lim , 김문철 M. C. Kim , 이기안 K. A. Lee , 박찬경 C. G. Park
The electromagnetic wave absorption properties of various amorphous alloy-ferrite-epoxy composites have been investigated in a frequency range from 1 to 5 GH_Z. The fraction of amorphous alloy in the composites was varied from 0 to 50 vol.% at a fixed 50 vol.% fraction of epoxy resin polymer. The complex permeability(μ) and permittivity (ε) of the composites were measured by reflection/transmission technique. Both the matching frequency and thickness for maximizing reflection loss of the composites were theoritically determined by plotting the measured μ and ε on an impedance matching solution map. The increase of amorphous alloy fraction in amorphous alloy-ferrite-epoxy composites improved electromagnetic wave absorption properites, i.e, a larger matching frequency and thinner thickness compared with the ferrite-epoxy composite. On the basis of these results, a new thinner wave absorber is proposed by the optimization of amorphous alloy fraction and thickness in amorphous alloy-ferrite-epoxy composites.
Key Words
Electromagnetic wave absorption, Amorphous alloy, Ni-Zn ferrite, Impedance matching frequency and thickness
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