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Vol.41, No.3, 202 ~ 208, 2003
The Powder Compact Foaming Process for Manufacturing Aluminium Metal Foam
장진만 Jin Man Chang , 이원식 Won Sik Lee , 고세현 Se Hyun Ko , 배정찬 Jeong Chan Bae
In this study the effects of some factors on foaming property were investigated in powder compact foaming process. First of all, production of metal foam strongly depends on the green density of precursor and when the density is low, expansion is low or does not occur by leak of hydrogen gas and/or internal oxidation due to inflow of oxygen. The foaming of precursor starts when its temperature arrives at melting point of Al and in viewpoints of expansion ratio, pore size distribution and morphology, the optimum foamed structure is obtained when the foaming process is finished at melting end point. The structure is also affected by heating rate depending on setting temperature of furnace and the most suitable temperature in this work was 800℃ higher about 150℃ than Al melting temperature. It is suggested that foaming agent content is desirable to be below 1 wt.%.
Key Words
Aluminum metal foam, Powder process, Precursor density, Heating rate
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