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Vol.41, No.5, 330 ~ 337, 2003
Acceleration of Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloy 600 using Hump Type Specimens
맹완영 W. Y. Maeng , 김우철 U. C. Kim
CERTs (Constant elongation rate tests) using hump type specimens were carried out to investigate the effect of "stress state" in the specimens on the SCC (stress corrosion cracking) behavior of alloy 600 in simulated environment of nuclear power plant (360℃, 200 atm). SCC susceptibility was increased in the hump type specimens compared with usual tensile specimens. Micro-structural observation, hardness measurements and stress analysis around the bended area of hump type specimens were conducted to understand the increase of SCC susceptibility in the specimens. It is considered that the acceleration of SCC in the hump type specimens is attributed to the triaxial stress state and the consequent plastic constraint around bended area in the specimens. CERT using hump type specimen is useful to evaluate the stress corrosion susceptibility of various corrosion system in short testing period.
Key Words
Hump specimens, Alloy 600, Stress corrosion, Stress analysis
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