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Vol.41, No.6, 337 ~ 342, 2003
Strength Properties of Fe-12~17% Cr Nano-Sized Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Ferritic Alloys Fabricated by Mechanical Alloying
김익수 Ick Soo Kim , 장진성 Jin Sung Jang , 강창용 Chang Yong Kang
Recently, oxide dispersion strengthened(ODS) ferritic alloys have been considered for the critical component materials of ultra-super critical pressure power plants or nuclear power plants. The strength properties of ferritic 12%Cr ODS alloys with the addition of Ti and W were investigated in comparison with those of 17% Cr ODS and 12%Cr ODS alloys in the range of room temperature to 1323K. Nano-sized oxide dispersoids in the alloys suppressed the grain growth during annealing at a 1323K and resulted in a remarkable improvement of the strength. The fine particles in 12%Cr ODS alloys with the addition of Ti and W was identified to be a complex oxide type of Y-Ti-O. The Complex oxides containing Ti was the finest and showed the most uniform dispersion.
Key Words
ODS, Ferritic alloys, Mechanical alloying, Nano-sized oxides, Strength properties, Tensile properties, Heat-resistant steel
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