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Vol.41, No.7, 419 ~ 424, 2003
Thermoelectric Properties of PbTe Sintered Body Fabricated by Mechanical Grinding-Mixing Process
이길근 Lee Gil Geun
The present study aimed at investigating application possibility of the percolation concept to the microstructure control of thermoelectric materials for improving thermoelectric properties. Two kinds of PbTe powders, large particle size and small particle size, were prepared by mechanical grinding process. Effect of mixing of the these powders on theremoelectric properties of the sintered body was studied by measuring Seebeck coefficient, specific electric resistivity and thermal conductivity. The PbTe sintered body of large particle size powder has a lower specific electric resistivity and higher thermal conductivity than the values of the one of small particle size powder. The PbTe sintered body of the mixed powder showed percolation transition behavior on the specific electric resistivity at a specified powder mixing ratio. This transition behavior can be predicted by a two-dimensional particle configuration model based on the percolation concept. The PbTe sintered bodies of mixed powder based on the percolation concept have a higher figure of merit than the value of the one of unmixed powder.
Key Words
Thermoelectric material, Microstructure, Powder, Percolation, Figure of merit
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