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Vol.41, No.8, 473 ~ 479, 2003
High Temperature Oxidation of TiN, TiCN and CrN Thin Films
백창현 Baeg Chang Hyeon , 홍주화 Hong Ju Hwa , 위명용 Wi Myeong Yong , 김기영 Kim Gi Yeong , 이동복 Lee Dong Bog
The oxidation behavior of TiN, TiCN and CrN coatings sputtered on a steel substrate was investigated at 850℃ in air. Both TiN and TiCN oxidized to Tio₂ while CrN oxidzed to Cr₂O₃. The oxidation resistance decreased in the order of CrN, TiN and TiCN. During oxidation, the outward diffusion of substrate elements such as Fe, Si occurred to a certain degree. The enrichment of substrate element of Cr at the oxide scale and the depletion of nitrogen at the lower part of the unoxidized CrN coating were observed.
Key Words
Oxidations behavior, TiN, TiCN, CrN
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