
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.41, No.9, 531 ~ 539, 2003
Multiple Abnormal Grain Growth Phenomena in Nanocrystalline Pure Nickel Produced by Electrodeposition
김재중 Kim Jae Jung , 김낙준 Kim Nag Jun , S. Suresh
Here we show multiple abnormal grain growth phenomena in nanocrystalline pure Ni with temperature change, based on the microstructural analysis. Abnormally large grains are observed in the nanocrystalline Ni thermally exposed in air for 1 hr at 200℃, 500℃, and 800℃, respectively. Such large grains formed at 500℃ for 1 hr having facet grain boundary structure, show kinetically fast growth rate rather than others exposed to 200℃ and 800℃ for the same time period. The facet grain boundary appears to be related to the abnormal grain growth rate, suppressing the fine matrix grain growth. The mechanism underlying abnormal grain growth is examined for each temperature range.
Key Words
Multiple abnormal grain growth, Nanocrystalline pure Ni, Facet grain boundary structure
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