
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.42, No.1, 50 ~ 58, 2004
Structural Analysis of Cu-Nb Filamentary Nanocomposite
문정호 Mun Jeong Ho , 조종우 Jo Jong U , 이갑호 Lee Gab Ho , 홍순익 Hong Sun Ig
The microstructure of Cu-15 wt%Nb filamentary nanocomposite fabricated by the bundling and drawing process were characterized using high resolution electron microscopy and the computer-aided image processing. Nb filaments were randomly distributed throughout the copper matrix and appeared to be straight or slightly curved in the bundled wires. The copper grain is observed in a <110> zone axis while two differently oriented grains are found in the niobium filaments, a first grain being observed in a <111> direction, the other in a <001> zone axis. The semi-coherent interface with periodic misfit dislocations was formed to have {002}_(Cu)||{110}_(Nb), <100>_(Cu)||<110>_(Nb) orientation relationship and the interface was parallel to <100>_(Cu). The micro-twins having {112} twin planes were observed in a few niobium filaments.
Key Words
Cu-Nb filamentary nanocomposite, High resolution electron microscopy, Image processing, Interphase interface structure, Misfit dislocation, Twin structure
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