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Vol.42, No.3, 267 ~ 274, 2004
Property Improvement of Plasma Spray-formed Al-SiCp Composites by Post Treatment
어광준 Eo Gwang Jun , 강석봉 Kang Seog Bong
In order to fabricate aluminum matrix composites reinforced by SiC particulates, atmospheric plasma spray forming method was adopted. Aluminum and SiC powders were mechanically mixed for plasma spraying feedstock. The feedstock was deposited into freestanding bulk composite on a graphite substrate. As-sprayed composites had a great amount of porosity, which reduced thermal properties, especially in thermal conductivity. The spray-formed Al-SiCp composites were rolled at the room and elevated temperature and hot isostatic pressed (HIPped) at 500℃ under 100 MPa. By rolling, the amount of porosity decreased and consequently thermal conductivity increased. Although, the amount of porosity hardly decreased by HIP, thermal conductivity increased due to the precipitation of solid solution elements such as Fe and Si. Coefficients of thermal expansion (CTEs) of the composites were affected less significantly by post treatment.
Key Words
Composite, Aluminum, SiC, Plasma spray forming, Rolling, Hot isostatic press, CTE, Thermal conductivity
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