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Vol.42, No.3, 279 ~ 285, 2004
Mathematical Modeling ; Dependency of Vapor-Deposited a-SiC Film Quality on the Substrate Temperatures
김주영 Kim Ju Yeong , 이백우 Lee Baeg U , 남호석 Nam Ho Seog , 권동일 Kwon Dong Il
The dramatic variations in structure and internal stress in an amorphous silicon carbide film (a-SiC) induced by forming process have been reported extensively. Vapor-depositions of a-SiC film were simulated by molecular dynamics simulation employing the Tersoff potential. To understand effect of substrate temperature that is one of the most important factors involved in the changes in structure and intrinsic stress, the vapor-depositions at various substrate temperatures (500-2500 K) were performed. Then, the MD simulations of cooling to 298 K were carried out. For both cooled and as-deposited a-SiC films, the analyses of structure and internal stress with deposition process parameters entailed the calculation of density, chemical order, and in-plane stress [(σ_(xx)+σ_(yy))/2].
Key Words
Amorphous silicon carbide, Molecular dynamics simulation, Substrate temperature, Density, Chemical order, Internal stress
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