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Vol.42, No.3, 285 ~ 292, 2004
Growth Characteristics of Self-assembled InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots
김형석 Kim Hyeong Seog , 서주형 Seo Ju Hyeong , 박찬경 Park Chan Gyeong , 이상준 Lee Sang Jun , 노삼규 No Sam Gyu , 송진동 Song Jin Dong , 박용주 Park Yong Ju , 이정일 Lee Jeong Il
Self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) were grown by molecular beam epitaxy and the growth characteristics of QDs were studied using field emission gun-electron transmission microscope. The shapes and optical properties of QDs changed according to spacer layers thickness due to the strain between InAs and GaAs layers. The QDs with 50 nm thick GaAs spacer layers were distributed randomly along the growth direction and changed from dome to flat-pyramidal shape after capping with GaAs. However, QDs with 10 nm thick spacer layers were vertically aligned up to the fifth period and the dome-shape was maintained after capping. The density, distribution and crystalline defects depending on growth conditions were also investigated.
Key Words
Quantum dot, InAs/GaAs, Self-assembly, Transmission Electron Microscopy
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