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Vol.42, No.3, 292 ~ 297, 2004
Solvent Extraction of Copper by LIX84 from Chloride Solutions Containing Copper, Nickel and Cobalt
안종관 An Jong Gwan , 안재우 An Jae U , 오영주 O Yeong Ju , 이만승 Lee Man Seung
Solvent extraction experiments with LIX84 have been performed to separate copper from synthetic hydrochloric acid solutions containing copper, nickel and cobalt. Experimental conditions such as solution pH, the concentration of chloride ion and LIX84 and manganese ion, the volume ratio of organic to aqueous phase and pH of stripping solution have been investigated. The optimum conditions for the separation of copper from nickel and cobalt were obtained from the experimental results.
Key Words
Copper, Nickel, Cobalt, LIX84, Solvent extraction, Stripping
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