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Vol.42, No.7, 571 ~ 577, 2004
Effect of Grain Size Refinement on High Temperature Mechanical Properties in Type 316LN Stainless Steel
김대환 Dae Whan Kim , 이요섭 Yo Seob Lee , 류우석 Woo Seog Ryu
Mechanical tests, such as tensile, fatigue and creep, of type 316L(N) stainless steel containing 0.04 and 0.10 wt% nitrogen content were conducted at 600℃ to investigate the grain size effect on the behaviors of mechanical properties since grain size was refined with the addition of nitrogen. Yield strength and fatigue life increased with the addition of nitrogen and the decrease of grain size. The creep rupture time was increased with the addition of nitrogen but decreased with increasing grain size. The change in minimum creep rate with grain size was consistent with the result predicted from Garofalo`s equation. (Received November 17, 2004)
Key Words
316LN, Stainless steel, Grain size, Nitrogen, Fatigue
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