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Vol.42, No.10, 810 ~ 815, 2004
A Study on the Consolidation Behavior of Iron Nanopowders Prepared by Plasma Arc -2. Pressureless and Low Temperature Sintering by 3L Consolidation Process-
윤철수 Cheol Su Youn , 박우영 Woo Young Park , 유지훈 Ji Hun Yu , 최철진 Chul Jin Choi
The innovative consolidation process of Fe nanopowder synthesized by plasma arc discharge process has been proposed in this study, that is 3L consolidation process, low compaction - low heat up - low temperature sintering. The compaction body of surface passivated Fe nanopowder having low compactability could easily reach to full densification(98%T.D.) at relatively low sintering temperature of 560℃ for 2 hrs. in hydrogen atmosphere with low heating rate(5℃/min.). And also the grain growth was effectively inhibited under 250 nm during low temperature sintering and 3 times larger hardness (250 Hv) could be obtained by this process with comparing to conventional sintered body. This highly ability of consolidation for PADed Fe nanopowder depends on and discussed in terms of the chacracterisitcs of nanopowder, fine powder size, complete dispersion and surface modification. (Received July 5, 2004)
Key Words
Plasma arc discharge, Nanopowder, Sintering, 3L Consolidation
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