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Vol.42, No.11, 860 ~ 866, 2004
On the Crystallographic Features of Cr2N Precipitates in High-Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel (3) -3. Theoretical Model for the Crystal Structure of Cr2N Based on SCWs Method
이태호 Tae Ho Lee , 김성준 Sung Joon Kim , 고목절웅 Setsuo Takaki
In the third part of this study, a theoretical model for the crystal structure of Cr₂N was derived based on the static concentration waves (SCWs) method, and discussed in comparison with other E-type ordering models suggested in Fe-N system. The modified occupation probability function (OPF) for describing the distribution of nitrogen atoms in Cr₂N superstructure was calculated using the superlattice reflections found in the previous study, and could be expressed as: n(r)=c-1/6η₁cos2πz+4/3η₃cos2/3π(x+y+3z). And, this OPF function has four components depending on the distribution of nitrogen atoms within Cr2N superstructure: n₁=c-1/6η₁+4/3η₃,n₂=c+1/6η₁-4/3η₃,n₃=c-1/6η₁-2/3η₃and n₄=c+1/6η₁+2/3η₃.
Key Words
Cr2N superstructure, Static concentration waves (SCWs) method, and Occupation probability function, OPF
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