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Vol.42, No.12, 965 ~ 972, 2004
Study for True Strain Definition of Indentation Flow Curve Derivation
전은채 Eun Chae Jeon , 백민경 Min Kyung Baik , 김성훈 Sung Hoon Kim , 박주승 Joo Seung Park , 권동일 Dong Il Kwon
Continuous indentation test is getting more used to derive indentation flow curve. The overall deriving algorithm is relatively well-established, the details of the algorithm are, however, still argued. One of the arguments is the definition of true strain which constitutes the indentation flow curve. In this study, work-hardening exponent was adopted for determining what definition is appropriate to obtain accurate indentation flow curve since work-hardening exponent is affected by only the definition of true strain not by other constants. The effect of calibrating contact depth was eliminated using finite element analysis. Finally, the definition based on tangent function was determined to be proper for deriving the indentation flow curve. (Received September 8, 2004)
Key Words
Continuous indentation test, True strain, Flow curve, Work-hardening exponent, Finite element analysis
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