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Vol.43, No.1, 17 ~ 23, 2005
Thermal Conductivity Characteristics of SiCp/Al Composites Fabricated by Atmospheric Plasma Spraying
어광준 Kwang Jun Euh , 강석봉 Suk Bong Kang , Man Chang Gui
Feedstock for plasma spraying was prepared by ball milling with A1-55 vol.%SiC and Al-75 vol.%SiC powder mixtures in different conditions. The average size of SiC particles was varied from 8 to 30 gm. Freestanding SiC_(p)/Al composites were fabricated by atmospheric plasma spraying onto a graphite substrate. Thermal conductivity of the plasma-sprayed composites was measured at room temperature of 25℃ by the laser flash method. Thermal conductivity of the sprayed composites was significantly lower than that of conventionally cast SiCp/Al composites. Thermal conductivity was varied considerably with respect to the SiC size and feedstock preparation method. The deterioration mechanism of thermal conductivity in the sprayed composites was elucidated, and numerical analyses based on theories of Maxwell and thermal boundary resistance were carried out. (Received September 30, 2004)
Key Words
Thermal conductivity, Composite, Aluminum, SiC, Plasma spraying, Porosity, Thermal boundary resistance
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