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Vol.43, No.10, 667 ~ 672, 2005
Effect of Hydrogen Addition on Surface Structure and Residual Stress of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Thin Films
이은옥 Eun Ok Lee , 박종극 Jong Keuk Park , 정증현 Jeung Hyun Jeong , 임대순 Dae Soon Lim , 백영준 Young Joon Baik
It is demonstrated that the effect of hydrogen addition on surface structure and residual stress of hexagonal boron nitride(hBN) thin film deposited by UBM(unbalanced magnetron) sputtering method. The incorporated Ar atoms induced compressive residual stress in the hBN film, whose magnitude appeared to be proportional to the Ar concentration. The hydrogen addition during deposition of BN films leads to a partial transformation of Sp² bonds into Sp³ bonds on the surface of hBN and this surface structure interrupts the penetration of Ar atoms. In the result, the residual stress of hBN thin film which transferred from Sp² to Sp³ bonding state due to the hydrogen addition decreases.
Key Words
hydrogen, Ar incorporation concentration, residual stress, surface morphology
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