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Vol.43, No.10, 672 ~ 678, 2005
Electronic,Magnetic & Optical Materials ; Thickness Dependence of Electrical Resistivity of High Purity Cu Films Deposited by Applying Substrate Bias Voltage
임재원 Jae Won Lim , 배준우 Joon Woo Bae , Makoto Mikami , Kouji Mimura , Minoru Isshiki
The thickness dependence of the electrical resistivity of high purity Cu films deposited by applying a negative substrate bias voltage of -50V was evaluated using the surface scattering of Fuch-Sondheimer (F-S) model and the grain boundary scattering of Mayadas-Shatzkes (M-S) model. For fitting the F-S and M-S models to the experimental data, we have used the approximate equations described by F-S and M-S models and have combined two approximate equations to propose a simple form. By fitting the theoretical model with the simple form, the electrical resistivity of Cu films was in a good agreement with the theoretical curve under the following condition; the film thickness is 2.2~2.3 times than the average grain size at the surface scattering coefficient p = 0, and the grain boundary reflection coefficient R = 0.24. Furthermore, it was found that the effect of resistivity increase produced by solute impurities in the Cu films could be ignored to evaluate the resistivity increase.
Key Words
Thin film, Copper, Electrical resistivity, Impurity, Surface scattering, Grain boundary scattering, Grain size
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