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Vol.43, No.11, 723 ~ 729, 2005
Special Edition : Symposium on Mechanical Behavior of Materials(1) ; The Effect of Pre-annealing on Crystallization and Deformation Behavior of a Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glass
이광석 Kwang Seok Lee , 김민수 Min Soo Kim , 전현준 Hyun Joon Jun , 장영원 Young Won Chang
Unique mechanical properties of bulk metallic glasses have been reported like a viscous flow in an undercooled liquid state as well as high strength and large elastic limit at room temperature. However, most metallic glasses have also been reported to have a tendency to crystallize in an undercooled liquid region even below the crystallization temperature [1,2]. It is therefore believed that understanding the effect of nanocrystallization on the mechanical properties of multiphase alloys is very important in both theoretical and industrial aspects. Crystallization and flow characteristics of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass after isothermal annealing with various preannealing times have been systematically investigated in this study. The high temperature deformation behavior of this BMG has been revealed by conducting a series of compression tests with various initial strain rates and preannealing times at 430℃. The pre~annealing effect on stress overshoot and flow behavior can also be discussed.
Key Words
Bulk metallic glass, Pre-annealing, Crystallization, Deformation behavior
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