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Vol.44, No.7, 497 ~ 503, 2006
Characteristics of Plasma Sprayed Bi-2212/2223 Superconductor Coatings by PMP
조상흠 Sang Hum Cho , 이선홍 Seon Hong Lee , 박경채 Kyeong Chae Park
Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox(2212) and Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu2Oy(2223) high-Te superconductor (HTS) have been prepared by plasma spraying and PMP(Partial Melt Process). The 2212 HTS coating layer is synthesized through the peritectic reaction between Sr-Ca-Cu oxide coating layer and Bi-Cu oxide coating layer by partial melting process. The superconducting characteristics, it can be predicted from wetting secondary phase and mis-alignment of whisker, depends on the spray distance which was related to the spray particle melt. The 2212 HTS layer consists of the whisker grown in the diffusion direction. 2223 phase and secondary phase in 2212 layer were observed. The secondary phase is distributed uniformly over the whole surface which was caused to the mis-orientation of 2223. But it can be removed by oxygen pressure control. Spray coating layer shows superconducting with an onset Tr of about both 115 K and 77 K (Para-conductivity) in this study. There are two steps. step 1 at 115 K is due to the diamagnetism of the 2223 phase and step 2 at 78 K is due to the diamagnetism of the 2212 phase.
Key Words
Plasma Spray, BSCCO, Superconductor, Partial Melt Process, 2212/2223 phase
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