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Vol.44, No.8, 556 ~ 562, 2006
Texture ; Texture Evolution According to the Film Thickness of Annealed Cu Films Deposited by Sputtering and Electro-deposition
이상훈 Sang Hoon Lee , 박노진 No Jin Park
It is important to understand the relationship between processing and micro-structural characteristic of the Cu thin films to optimize those fabrication and use. The formation of twins, one of the significant factors for texture development decreases texture strength which depends on the twin boundary development of Cu films. Determination of grain growth and texture formation in the sputtered and electrodeposited Cu films during annealing was carried out for films of 100, 480, and 850 nm thickness deposited on a Ta(25 nm)/Si wafer. The grain growth and texture were analyzed by X-ray pole figure, EBSD (Electron backscatter diffraction). The annealing texture in connection with film thickness in the sputtered and electrodeposited Cu films is investigated and discussed.
Key Words
Cu films, Grain growth, Twin, Texture
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