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Vol.44, No.8, 569 ~ 575, 2006
Effect of Microstructure on Electrical and Optical Properties of ITO Thin Film Deposited by D.C. Magnetron Sputtering (2)
최용락 Yong Lak Choi , 김선화 Seon Hwa Kim
The electrical and the optical properties were investigated to find the optimum microstructure of ITO thin films deposited by D.C. magnetron sputtering. Carrier concentration and carrier mobility of ITO thin films were measured, the transmittance of them also was done. As O2 flow rate and substrate temperature increased, the transmittance of ITO thin film increased because ITO particles formed coarse and good crystalline. The sheet resistance was the minimum at O2 flow rate, 0.3 seem, and the minimum value was 9Ω/□ at substrate temperature, 350℃. The electrical and the optical properties of ITO thin film depended on the morphology and the crystallinity.
Key Words
ITO, Thin film, Transmittance, Sheet resistance, Microstructure
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