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Vol.44, No.9, 595 ~ 603, 2006
Evaluation of Glass Forming Ability in Ternary Mg-based BMG Systems
박은수 Eun Soo Park , 김원태 Won Tae Kim , 김도향 Do Hyang Kim
The interrelationship between new parameter σ and maximum diameter, D(max) (or critical cooling rate, Rc) is elaborated and discussed in comparison with four other glass forming ability (GFA) parameters, i.e. (1) super-cooled liquid region ΔTx (= Tx - Tg), (2) reduced glass transition temperature Trg (= Tg/Tl), (3) K parameter K (= [Tx -Tg]/[Tl -Tx]), and (4) gamma parameter y (= [Tx]/[Tl +Tg]) in Mg-based bulk metallic glass (BMG) systems. The new parameter σ, defined as, ΔT* × P`, has a solid correlation with Dmax and Rc in Mgbased BMG systems. The σ parameter has a much better interrelationship with GFA in Mg-based BMG systems than the parameters for GFA suggested so far.
Key Words
Mg-based alloy, Bulk metallic glass, Glass forming ability, σ parameter
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