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Vol.44, No.9, 620 ~ 627, 2006
Quantitative Evaluation of Bridging Stress Field in Structural Alumina using the Mechano-Luminescent Paint
김지식 Ji Sik Kim , 권용남 Yong Nam Kwon , 손기선 Kee Sun Sohn
Using a mechano-luminescent (ML) paint enabling the visualization of fast propagating crack as well as bridging stress distribution under a conventional loading condition, this paper presents a catastrophic fracture mechanism in association with the crack wake bridging in alumina ceramics. The mechanism appears to be inconsistent with currently accepted R-curve concepts. Fracture arises in two steps; the bridged crack propagation (=wake formation) and the breakage of bridge. The magnitude and shape of the bridging stress distribution changes with the advancing crack. It continues to change as the applied load change, even after the cessation of crack propagation.
Key Words
Mechano-Luminescence (M-L) paint, Cracking propagation, Bridging (Shielding) stress, Alumina
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