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Vol.44, No.10, 662 ~ 670, 2006
Deformation behavior of high nitrogen austenitic Fe-18Cr-14Mn-4Ni-3Mo-N stainless steels
김성태 Sung Tae Kim , 이태호 Tae Ho Lee , 오창석 Chang Seok Oh , 김성준 Sung Joon Kim , 박익민 Ik Min Park
Deformation behavior of high nitrogen austenitic Fe-18Cr-14Mn-4Ni-N stainless steels was investigated by means of room temperature tensile test and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Yield and tensile strength showed almost linear relationship with nitrogen contents, whereas elongation decreased with increasing nitrogen contents. Based on the modified Ludwik model, the stress-strain curves were evaluated, and the calculated deviation parameter (△) increased linearly with decreasing strain as well as increasing nitrogen contents. TEM observation showed that (i) the deformed microstructure was characterized by planar dislocation array, stacking faults, and deformation twinning, (ii) as increasing nitrogen contents, the planar dislocation arrays were more tightly distributed and the onset of deformation twinning was shifted to lower strain, and (iii) the deformation twinning had a {111}<112> crystallographic component.
Key Words
high nitrogen steel, HNS, modified Ludwik relation, deformation twin, TEM
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