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Vol.45, No.2, 90 ~ 101, 2007
Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of Friction Stir Welded 5083-H32 and 6061-T651 Aluminum Alloys
김성준 Sung Joon Kim , 이창길 Chang Gil Lee , 김상식 Sang Shik Kim , 이태주 Tae Joo Lee , 홍성진 Seong Jin Hong , 장영환 Young Hwan Jang , 정유인 You In Jeong
The FCP behavior of FSWed 5083-H32 and 6061-T651 specimens were examined with the fatigue crack growing either parallel to the DXZ at variable ΔK values and an R ratio of 0.1 and 0.8, respectively, or perpendicular or 45° to the DXZ at various constant ΔK values and an R ratio of 0.1. Residual stress was measured on the top surface of FSWed plate either perpendicular or parallel to the welding direction and the residual stress-corrected ΔK, ΔK(corr), is calculated based on the K(res), the stress intensity factor at residual stress, for the DXZ specimens to quantify the compressive residual stress contribution to the FCP rates. The present study suggests that the FCP behavior of FSWed 5083-H32 and 6061-T651 specimens in the DXZ is mainly determined by the beneficial compressive residual stress reducing effective ΔK and the detrimental grain refinement causing intergranular fatigue failure. The FCP behavior of FSWed 5083-H32 and 6061-T651 specimens is discussed based on residual stress measurement and fractographic observation.
Key Words
5083-H32, 6061-T651, friction stir welding, fatigue crack propagation
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