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Vol.37, No.8, 917 ~ 923, 1999
Aging Characteristics and Analysis of Precipitate Phase of Cu-Mn-P-(Sn) Alloy
최준환Joon Hwan Choi,변정수Jung Soo Byun,이동녕Dong Nyung Lee
Copper-rich Cu-Mn-P-(Sn) alloys were designed to have high strengthes with good electrical conductivities for electrical and electronic applications. Aging characteristics of the alloys showed that an optimum combination of mechanical and electrical properties of the alloy was obtained at the atomic concentration ratio of Mn to P being about 2. The precipitate in an aged Cu-1.11Mn-0.28P (wt%) alloy was identified as hexagonal Mn₂P of C22 crystal structure. The lattice parameters of the precipitate determined from the X-ray diffraction analysis were a=6.084Å and c = 3.472Å.
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