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Vol.45, No.7, 397 ~ 403, 2007
Effect of He-Injection on Irradiation-Induced Segregation of Aging Treated High Mn-Cr Steel
배동수 Dong Su Bae , 정호신 Ho Shin Jeong
The effect of He-injection on irradiation-induced segregation of aging treated 12%Cr-15%Mn austenitic steel for structure material of nuclear and/or fusion reactors from the point of view of the reduced radio-activation was investigated by using the 1,250kV high voltage electron microscope (HVEM) connected with an ion accelerators. Aging treated high Mn-Cr steel has been irradiated at 873K by using three modes of single electron-beam irradiation, electron-beam irradiation after He-injection and electron/He(+)-ion dual-beam irradiation in HVEM. Irradiation-induced segregation analyses were carried out by an energy dispersive X-ray analyzer (EDX) in a 200 kV FE-TEM with beam diameter of about 0.5 nm. Void formations were observed in electron-beam irradiation after He-injection and electron/He(+)-ion dual-beam irradiated specimens. Irradiation-induced segregations of Cr and Mn at grain boundary were observed in each irradiation condition. The amounts of Cr and Mn segregation decreased in the cases of He-injection compared with single electron-beam condition.
Key Words
irradiation-induced segregation, he-injection, high manganese austenitic steel, electron-beam irradiation damage, HVEM, aging treatment
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