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Vol.45, No.7, 429 ~ 434, 2007
Dependence of Fracture Strength of Plastic-Encapsulated Packages on Temperature
이성민 Seong Min Lee
This work shows how a variation in temperature influences the flexural strength of plastic-encapsulated microelectronic packages. The experimental results manifest that the plastic packages result in more improved flexural strength than bare silicon devices below the glass-transition temperature (i.e. approximately 180℃) of their plastic body. Furthermore, the flexural strength of the plastic packages is not so sensitive to device thickening or the existence of grinding marks on the device back-surface at the low temperatures. On the other hand, at the temperatures higher than 200℃, the plastic package body was softened abruptly, resulting in a reduction in load-supporting ability. It was also found that, at the high temperatures, increased device thickness or the proper elimination of the grinding marks on the device back-surface leads to more effective suppression of flexural-induced damage potential in the plastic packages. Thus, the present experimental results suggest that an adoption of optimized back-lapping processes can allow improved reliability margins in package products during the plastic packaging process such as mold ejection.
Key Words
silicon chip, plastic package, temperature, fracture
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