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Vol.36, No.6, 872 ~ 876, 1998
Cause of Edge Scab Defects in Hot-Rolled Ultra-Low Carbon Steels
유재화 Jae Hwa Ryu , 윤보현 Bo Hyun Yoon , 천명식 Myung Sik Chun
The cause of the edge scab defects in the hot-rolled ultra-low carbon steels was investigated through the examination of the shape and microstructure of the bar corner, the measurement of temperature distribution over the bar width and the physical modelling of the deformation behaviour at the bar corner by using a plasticine. It was found that the edge scab was originated from the abnormal micro-bulging at the bar corner, where ferrite was formed due to the local temperature drop. The amount of the defective strips was considerably decreased by reducing the number of descaling and by increasing the reheating temperature.
Key Words
Edge scab, Hot-rolled ultra-Low carbon steel, Ferrite formation, Micro-bulging, Descaling
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