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Vol.45, No.12, 673 ~ 681, 2007
Superconductor,Magnetic Materials ; Milling Conditions of the Amorphous FeCuNbSiB Alloy Flakes for Electromagnetic Noise Suppressor Use
노태환 Tae Hwan Noh , 이태규 Tae Gyu Lee
The nanocrystalline FeCuNbSiB alloy flakes with the thickness of skin depth embedded in a polymer sheet are expected to be an excellent electromagnetic noise suppressor available for the quasi-microwave band. The effects of the milling conditions such as the size of milling ball, the rotation speed of impeller, the weight ratio of ball to powder, and the milling time on the formation of flakes in the amorphous FeCuNbSiB powders which is the precursor of nanocrystalline flakes have been investigated with an attrition mill. The effective thinning of the amorphous powders without severe crushing through the repetitive cold welding and fracture was obtained under the conditions of relatively large ball size, low rotation speed, and medium ball to powder weight ratio, where the shear action between milling balls could be activated preferentially.
Key Words
electromagnetic noise suppressor, amorphous & nanocrystalline FeCuNbSiB alloy, flakes, attrition mill
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