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Vol.46, No.1, 13 ~ 20, 2008
Study on the Distillation of Magnesium Alloy Scrap
위창현 Chang Hyun Wi , 유정민 Jung Min Yoo , 장병록 Byoung Lok Jang , 유병돈 Byoung Don You
To develop a recycling process of magnesium alloy scrap, a fundamental study on the distillation of magnesium alloy melt was carried out. Melt temperature, vacuum degree and reaction time were considered as experimental variables. The amount of vaporized magnesium melt per unit surface area of melt increases with the increase of melt temperature, reaction time and vacuum degree. The vapor condensed at the tip of water cooling Cu-condenser as a form of pine cone. Magnesium and zinc were vaporized easily from the melt. However, It`s difficult to separate magnesium and zinc by vacuum distillation because vapor pressure of zinc is similar to one of magnesium. The contents of aluminum, manganese and iron, etc. in residual melt increase due to the decrease of magnesium and zinc content after the distillation of magnesium alloy.
Key Words
magnesium scrap, AZ91D, recycling, vacuum distillation, evaporation, condensation
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